NUPGE grows again! Over 4,000 members of the Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan (HSAS) join the National Union.
The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is quickly becoming the national voice for health sciences professionals.
In a historic move, members of the Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan (HSAS) have joined the ranks of the 425,000 members in NUPGE. HSAS has been an affiliate member of NUPGE’s Canadian Health Care Professionals Secretariat since 2000, working with health care workers across the country to improve our health care system for those who rely on it, and for those who work in it.
“We are proud to bring so many workers together who understand how important connection and collaboration are,” said Bert Blundon, NUPGE President. “We know our health care system is in crisis, and health care professionals are the ones who face it every day. They are critically placed to help find the solution, and we are honoured to represent them. ”
“In becoming full members of NUPGE, we have strengthened the longstanding relationship. We look forward to the opportunity of collaborating with health sciences professionals across our country, to improve and sustain our public health care,” said Karen Wasylenko, HSAS President.
“With our new members from the Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals (MAHCP) who joined NUPGE in December, and our newest members from HSAS, we are building strength and expertise within our union. We are the strong voice our health care system needs.”
For more information contact: Dawn Brown ([email protected], 1-888-565-3399) or Deborah Duffy ([email protected], 819-684-4729)