Infection Control Practitioner

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What Is Your job Title?

Infection Control Practitioner

What Does an Infection Control Practitioner Do?

Infection Control Practitioners (ICPs) are experts in the prevention and control of healthcare associated infection. They lead the planning, development, implementation, coordination and evaluation of system wide improvements in infection prevention and control. They serve as a role model to promote the goals of the infection control program within the larger context of the vision and mission of the health region. An ICP facilitates change through interpretation and application of standards, and provides best practice recommendations across the spectrum of the organization with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes and preventing health-care associated infections (HAIs).

What Training Is Necessary to Do Your Work?

Completion of a Bachelor’s degree in a health related field. In addition to this basic educational requirement, the infection control professional must be licensed with a governing body, such as the Saskatchewan Association of Occupational Therapists (SAOT) or the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association (SRNA). ICPs also require certification in infection control from the certification board of infection control.

Where Do You Work?

I work in a hospital

Who Needs Your Services and Why?

ICPs work at hospitals and other healthcare facilities. They work with a variety of other health care staff, including other technologists, therapists, physicians and nurses in order to provide patients with the best care. Although they often work alone with patients, an infection control practitioner is part of an inter-professional team that includes inpatient staff, cancer care and allied health professionals.

What Is Your Favourite Part of Your Job?

My favorite part of the job is working on all the units of the hospital and interacting with all levels of staff from base staff to senior management.

What Challenges Do You Have in Your Job?

One of the challenges in my job is the staffing level. There are supposed to be two full time people working right now and there is just one full time and one part time so the days are busy with no time for breaks.

What Are the Consequences When There Are Not Enough People with Your Training to Provide Service?

Things do not get done (such as patient education) when there is not enough staff. Working with no breaks leads to additional job stress.